Fearrington Democratic Club Bylaw 

Article I
Name and Mission 

​Section 1. The name of the club is the Fearrington Democratic Club.

Section 2. The mission of the Fearrington Democratic Club is to provide opportunities for Fearrington and Galloway Ridge residents to hear and discuss issues of political and social concern involving Democratic Party principles, candidates, and officeholders, and to encourage participation in public affairs. 

Section 3. The Club shall not be affiliated with any local, county, regional or national Democratic Party organization.

Section 4. The Club will not sponsor resolutions.

Section 5. The Club will not contribute funds to any political organization or candidate 

for office. 

Article II

Section 1. All residents of Fearrington Village, which includes Galloway Ridge, are eligible for membership. 

Section 2. Payment of annual dues shall entitle a resident to be a member in good standing.

Section 3. Annual dues cover the period from July 1 through June 30 of each year.

Section 4. During discussion of Club business at general and special meetings, only members may speak, make motions, and vote. 

Article III
Officers and Election  

Section 1. The elected officials are the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. The elected officials shall serve as the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors.

Section 2. Two members may share the office of Chair. The presiding Co-Chair shall exercise the voting privilege of the office of the Chair. It shall be understood that the use of the singular in these bylaws shall include Co-Chairs.

Section 3. The elected officers shall be elected for a term of two years and shall serve from July 1 of year one to June 30 of year two. In the event that the new officers have not been elected by June 30 of year two, the present officers shall serve until their successors have been selected.

Section 4. (a) The Vice Chair shall convene a nominating committee, to include at-large members of the Board (see Article IV Section 1) and at least two non-Board members of the Club. (b) Notice of the names of nominees for elected office shall be sent to the members at least two weeks prior to the election. (c) The Nominating Committee shall present its slate of officers at the last general meeting of the fiscal year to be voted on at the same meeting. (d) Nominations are welcome from the floor with the consent of the nominee. (e) A plurality of votes for each individual wins elections.

Section 5. Vacancies in elected positions that occur after elections shall be filled through appointments by the Chair after consultation with the Board of Directors. Those so selected shall serve during the unexpired term. 

Article IV
Board of Directors (Composition and Rules of Operation) 

Section 1. The Board of Directors is comprised of the elected officials and the appointed members.

Section 2. The Chair, after consultation with the Executive Committee, shall appoint members of the Board of Directors to be responsible for operational activities, including but not limited to: membership, programs, hospitality, and communications. After consultation with the Executive Committee, the Chair may also appoint up to two members-at-large to assist the Board in carrying out its tasks.

Section 3. Appointed Board members shall serve at the pleasure of the Chair. Appointed members may form committees of Club members to assist them in carrying out their duties.

Section 4. The Board of Directors shall approve a budget for each fiscal year (July 1 through June 30) before the first general meeting of that year. In so doing, the Board shall set the amount of annual dues. The Board shall monitor expenditures in accordance with that budget. Budget adjustments may be made by the Executive Committee.

Section 5. The Board may approve the payment of honoraria. Only speakers who do not represent a political party, do not hold political office and are not candidates for partisan or nonpartisan offices will be eligible for honoraria. 

Article V
Board of Directors: Duties 

The duties of the elected officers and appointed board members shall include the following:

Section 1. Chair: (a) Serve as contact person for the Fearrington Democratic Club; (b) preside at meetings of the Board and the membership; (c) work with the Board members to develop an overall schedule for the year; (d) appoint committee chairs and fill vacancies among the officers after consulting the members of the Executive Committee; and (e) arrange for meeting space at the Gathering Place and other locations.

Section 2. Vice chair: (a) act as Chair and assume all responsibilities of the office in case of absence or disability of the Chair; (b) support the Chair in carrying out those duties; and (c) serve as chair of the nominating committee.

Section 3. Treasurer: (a) maintain financial records to include monthly and annual record of income by source, expenses associated with each type of Club activity, and current balances; (b) propose the annual budget for approval by the Board of Directors; and (c) manage the organization's money, including receipt and keeping records of dues and other funds and payment of all bills.

Section 4. Secretary: (a) prepare minutes of meetings of the Executive Committee and of the Board; (b) prepare correspondence if so directed by the Board of Directors; and (c) maintain a file of the minutes, reports and correspondence of the organization.

Section 5. Program Chair: plan and carry out general meeting programs, including inviting speakers and ensuring appropriate arrangements for technical support.

Section 6. Hospitality Chair: (a) arrange for refreshments to be served at regular meetings; and (b) organize the annual picnic or similar event.

Section 7. Membership Chair: (a) develop and manage an ongoing program to recruit new members and retain current members; and (b) maintain membership records.

Section 8. Communications Chair: (a) Based on guidance from the Board, communicate with membership at large and overall community; (b) maintain the mailing lists of members and others for dissemination of Club information; (c) prepare general informational materials; and (d) determine content on the Club's website and revise and update it.

Section 9. At-large Board member assignments include: (a) serving on the nominating committee; and (b) assisting other Board members as needed in carrying out their duties. 

Article VI
Meetings and Quorum 

Section 1. After consultation with the Board of Directors, the Chair shall set the number, dates and places of the meetings of the Board of Directors and the general meetings. The Chair shall consult with the Board members should the need arise to change any meeting date.

Section 2. Board meetings: The Chair may invite other persons to attend a meeting of the Board to report on any matter. Members who wish to attend a Board meeting and to speak shall so inform the Chair.

Section 3. General club meetings: (a) Meetings shall be held at the Gathering Place, unless the Board selects another place. (b) The schedule of general meetings shall be included on the Club's website. (c) At least seven days in advance, notices of all general club meetings shall be posted in mail kiosks and electronic notices sent to members and, when possible, included in the community newsletters.

Section 4. Special meetings: (a) The Chair may call special meetings of the membership. (b) Special meetings of the membership may be initiated by 25 members presenting a petition to the Chair. (c) At least seven days in advance, notice of special meetings of the membership shall be posted in mail kiosks and electronic notices sent to members. (d) Special meetings of the Board may be initiated by three members presenting a petition the Chair.  

Section 5. A quorum of the Board shall be five members. A quorum of the membership shall be 25 members.

Section 6. Voting by the Club members shall be by show of hands unless a motion for a written ballot prevails. Other than elections (see Article III Section 4 (e)) and amendments to the bylaws (see Article VIII, Section 2), a majority vote of those members present prevails on all other votes. There shall be no proxy votes. 

Article VII
Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be the parliamentary authority for all matters not specifically covered in these bylaws. 

Article VIII
Amendment of Bylaws 

Section 1. Proposed amendments to or revisions of these by-laws must be approved by the Board of Directors, and, after such approval, notice of the proposed changes must be given to the membership at least two weeks before a meeting of the general membership.

Section 2. After such approval and notice, amendments may be adopted by a two-thirds vote of those present at that meeting. There shall be no proxy votes. 

Article IX

Section 1. The first election under these bylaws will take place at the April 2013 general meeting. The elected officials will take office on July 1, 2013.

Section 2. The present officers shall serve until their successors have been elected and take office.  Terms of Advisory Board members serving prior to the time the newly elected officials take office shall end on June 30, 2013. 

Note: Approved by the membership: December 4, 2012